Nebraska Authors

Charlene Neely

Image of Charlene Neely

Image of Charlene Neely

Charlene is a daughter, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother and aunt. She has been at various times, a cook, waitress, chauffer, reporter, imager, elevator operator, paste up artist, Avon lady, run small presses and huge copiers. meeting a bunch of intriguing people on the way. This gives all feeds into her poetry in various ways.

Places Lived

Lincoln, NE (1941-1943, 1945-1967, 1968-1970, 1982-)
Wahoo, NE (1943-1945)
Geneva, NE (1967-1968)
Beatrice, NE (1970)
Syracuse, NE (1975)
Sterling, NE (1975-1982)

Author Of

  • Poetry
  • Fiction


Short Stories; Midwest Themes; Poetry

Places Worked

Lincoln Journal-Star


John H. Ames Reading Series, Featured Reader, February 1992 and April 2018
Honorary Author Member, Nebraska Literary Heritage Association, 2015-16


Lincoln Chaparral Poets
Nebraska Chaparral Poets
Nebraska Writers Guild
Eagle Literary Society
Nebraska Literary Heritage Association


Putting Up Preserves: Pickles, Jams and Predicaments. 1988.
Humor in Poetry: An Anthology of Nebraska Chaparral Poets. 1995. (contributor)
Nebraska Presence: An Anthology of Poetry. 2007. (contributor)
The Lights of Lincoln. 2016.
Guide to More Nebraska Authors. 2018. (co-editor with Gerry Cox)
The Corn Fairy's Wigs & Other Poems. 2020.

Her poems have been featured in the following journals:
American Graveyard
Evening Street Review
Persimmon Tree
Naugatuck River Review
Plains Song Review
Muse Magazine
Nebraska Presence
Times of Sorrow, Times of Grace
The Untidy Season
Misbehaving Nebraskans
Dreams for Our Daughters
Voices from the Plains
Filling the Empty Room
Songs for the Granddaughters
Lincoln Underground
Julien’s Journal
Art Move

Charlene Neely's February 1992 Ames Reading Series presentation:

April 2018 presentation with Gerry Cox:

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Charlene Neely

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(e.g. Author is buried in Fremont, not in David City / Also wrote for the Daily Nebraskan during her time as a student)