Nebraska Authors

Greg Kuzma

Born 1944 Rome, NY (USA)

Professor emeritus at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Kuzma has published poetry in New Yorker, Paris Review, Poetry and other journals. He is the founder and publisher at The Best Cellar Press, a handset letterpress publisher of chapbooks which has published many distinguished American poets, including Ted Kooser, Richard Shelton, and Wendell Berry.

Places Lived

Syracuse, NY
Crete, NE

Author Of

  • Poetry


Poetry criticism; Publisher


Bachelor of Arts Degree, 1966, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY
Master of Arts Degree, 1967, Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY


Assistant Professor of English, University of Nebraska-Lincoln, Lincoln, NE
Poetry Workshop Facilitator

Places Worked

University of Nebraska - Lincoln, Lincoln, NE


John H. Ames Reading Series, Featured Reader, 13 December 1990
Nebraska 150 Books honor for Forty Nebraska Poets, 2017
Nebraska Library Association Mari Sandoz Award, 1992


Hayden Carruth (Vermont Poet)
Poetry instructor for several Nebraska Poets (David McCleery, Clarence Davis, etc.)
Laurus, a magazine published at the University of Nebraska - Lincoln


Something at Last Visible. 1969.
Sitting Around. 1969.
Tin Roof Blues. 1970. (vol.1, no.2 Dec. 1970)
Portfolio 2: Eleven Poems by Greg Kuzma. 1971.
The Bosporus. 1971.
Harry's Things. 1971.
Poems. 1971..
Song for Someone Going Away. 1971.
Buffalo. 1973.
Pebble 10: Lincoln Poets. 1973.
Good News: Poems. 1973.
A Problem of High Water. 1973.
What Friends Are For. 1973.
The Buffalo Shoot: Poems. 1974.
The Obedience School. 1974.
Pebble 11: Fifty Four Prose Poems. 1974.
Heartland II: Poets of the Midwest 1975.
Nebraska Poets. 1975.
Gone Into If Not Explained: Essays on Poems by Robert Frost. 1976.
A Day in the World. 1976.
Garden Report: Poems. 1977.
Nebraska: A Poem 1977.
Adirondacks: Poems. 1978.
The Poetry Anthology, 1912-1977: Sixty Five Years of America's Most Distinguished Verse Magazine. 1978.
Village Journal: Poems. 1978.
A Book of Re-readings in Recent American Poetry: 30 essays 1979.
Brother Songs: A Male Anthology of Poetry. 1979.
For My Brother. 1981.
Forty Nebraska Poets. 1981.
Everyday Life. 1983.
A Horse of a Different Color: Poems 1983.
On Common Ground: The poetry of... 1983.
Poetspeak: In Their Work, About Their Work, A Selection. 1983.
Of China and of Greece. 1984.
Strings: A Gathering of Family Poems 1984.
A Turning, a Sequence. 1988.
Voices of the Plains. 1990. (audio tape series)
Grandma: a Poem. 1995.
What Poetry Is All About. 1998.
Mc Keever Bridge. 2001.
Mountains of the Moon.
Robert Frost: Six Essays in Appreciation.
Nebraska Poetry: A Sesquicentennial Anthology, 1867-2017. 2017. (contributor)

In April 2017, Greg Kuzma was one of the authors to read from their works in an Ames Reading Series program, which can be viewed here:

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Greg Kuzma

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(e.g. Author is buried in Fremont, not in David City / Also wrote for the Daily Nebraskan during her time as a student)